Eelgrass Eelgrass Eelgrass | Possession Point team photo 2009 | Moonglow anemone Anthopleura artemisia Anthopleura artemisia |
Eelgrass limpet Lottia parallela Lottia parallela | Red fringe Smithora Smithora | Eelgrass sea slug/Taylor's sea hare Phyllaplysia Phyllaplysia |
Jim Shelver had a team of eight humans and one pug show up to survey the beach at Possession Point on July 21st. They found lots of eelgrass to explore and discovered many of the fascinating community of organisms that inhabit eelgrass beds. Numerous eelgrass sea slugs (Phyllaplasia taylori) were reported, including three in one quadrat. This species is so well camouflaged that a sharp eye is needed to detect it. The team also found eelgrass limpets (Lottia parallela), moonglow anemones (Anthopleura artemisia), and Smithora (commonly called red fringe) which is a red algae that grows on eelgrass as an epiphyte.