Three profile lines were run, in this third year of monitoring at Camano State Park. Profile #1, located 150 feet north of the northern edge of the boat ramp was performed on July 21st, while the other two profiles were run a day earlier. Profile #2, occurred 15 feet north of the northern edge of the boat ramp and Profile #3 was performed 15 feet from the southern edge of the boat ramp. Twelve Beach Watchers and one guest, led by John C. monitored Profile #1 out to 150 feet, to the -3.3 foot low tide mark. Profiles #2 and #3 went out 124 and 112 feet, respectively, to the -2.9 foot low tide mark. Profiles #2 had nine Beach Watchers led by John C. while Profile #3 led by Duane H. had seven Beach Watchers.
Line south of CISP dock | Kelp holdfast | Control monitoring team |
As seen in 2007 and 2008, species found within Profile #1 were very diverse including anemone, arachnid, barnacles, clams, crabs, isopods, limpets, nudibranch, polychaete, shrimp, snails, green and red seaweed and seagrass. However, this year, species density for barnacles at the zero foot tide level ranged from 25 to 34%, a dramatic increase from 0 to 1% in 2008 and 6 to 7% in 2007. Newly found this year was the sea star Dermasterias imbricata. This "Leather star" is a large sea star that can grow to a diameter of 10 inches. Its 5 rays are thick and smooth which some describe as wet suede leather. The color of this species is generally blotchy reddish brown. This sea star prefers a diet of sea anemones, but also feeds on urchins, sponges and bryozoans. It is found from the low intertidal zones to a depth of over 300 feet and has a preference for higher energy beaches. The sea star, Evasterias troschelii, identified in 2007 was not seen this year or in 2008. Also bryozoans were missing this year.
Leather star Dermasterias imbricata | Herring eggs on kelp | Lg hermit crab w/o shell |
Diverse species continued to be found in Profile #2, including clams, crabs, amphipods, arachnid, barnacles, mussels, sea stars, snails, polychaete, green seaweed and seagrass. Chitons and brown seaweed were missing this year. Though the sea star, Pisaster ochraceus identified in 2008, was not found this year, the sea star, Evasterias troschelii was found. This sea star has five rays and commonly grows to about 12 inches in diameter. Color is quite variable and its range includes gray, gray-green, brown, and even reddish (but not bright purple). Its colors may be mottled and are often rather drab. Evasterias likes the calmer waters of protected area. Evasterias preys on mussels, barnacles, limpets, snails, and other invertebrates.
Opalescent nudibranch | nudibranchs Opalescent, Hooded & Barnacle eating | Plainfin midshipman |
Profile #3 also continued to be diverse this year. The sea cucumber, Parastichopus californicus was missing this year. The jellyfish, Cyanea capillata and the nudibranch, Onchidoris bilamellata were newly found this year. This is a small nudibranch that reaches a maximum length of only about 1 inch. Onchidoris bilamellata is cream colored with brown or red-brown blotches and has a knobby texture. While juveniles of this species feed on encrusting bryozoans, adults prey on acorn barnacles. It can be found on rocks and pilings from the low intertidal to water 60 feet deep. Another common name for it is the rough mantled doris.
The nudibranch, Triopha catalinae found in 2008 was also missing. There was less red seaweed, no brown seaweed, and a significant decrease in Ulva at all tide levels.
A rare treat for the bio-surveyors at CISP's "control" profile today (north of the boat launch) was the appearance of a myriad of hooded nudibranchs, Melibe leonina. This critter has been rarely seen by Beach Watchers. On this date you could easily have seen several dozen in many sizes up to about 3-4" long. They were in shallow water in the thick eelgrass bed. Bill B. captured the characteristic flip-flopping swimming motion of these nudibranchs in a short movie and it is presented below for you. To see it you will need a high-speed computing connection. Click on the Melibe picture and enjoy.
Melibe |
Short movie of a Melibe leonina in motion
copyright 2009@ Bill Blandin
All 3 monitoring teams deserve lots of thanks for this survey. Cathy M. is to be thanked for collating the profile changes you are reading about, John C. and Judi McD. for their photos, and Bill B. for his excellent movie of the Melibe.
For those interested in a little more information, the following information was found in a web article by Dave Cowles of Walla Walla University.
This nudibranch (Melibe) is unusual in several ways. It doesn't have a radula but its oral veil is expanded hugely into a hood which it extends ahead of itself and uses to trap small crustaceans and other prey. Its diet includes copepods, amphipods, and ostracods, as well as small post-larval mollusks. It feeds by attaching itself to a substrate (often a blade of eelgrass) and expanding the oral hood. It then sweeps the hood left and right or downward. When the inner surface of the hood comes in contact with a small animal the hood rapidly closes and the fringing tentacles overlap, holding the prey in. The whole animal is then forced into the nudibranch's mouth. Predators include the kelp crab Pugettia producta. Pycnopodia helianthoides (our voracious sunflower seastar) is repelled from contact. A polychaete scaleworm is sometimes a symbiont, feeding on fecal pellets. Sometimes Melibes may symbiotic algae in their bodies.