Join Island County Beach Watchers as they explore and survey the rich intertidal zone.

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Monday, June 22, 2009

South Lagoon Point-June 22, 2009

Looking for organisms

Team photo South Lagoon Point 2009

The tide dropped to the -3.8 foot level on June 22nd and Libby Hayward had the South Lagoon Point team hard at work seeking out data for that beach. And they found a lot! This team identified more than 80 species. Highlights for the day included the discovery of an in the process of splitting in two, watching a , and finding a live Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) adhering to a boulder in the low intertidal zone. They also spied and an . Pigeon guillemots were bobbing in the water just beyond the low tideline while a kept a wary eye on the group. To top it all off, red paintbrush was spotted growing high on the bluff above the beach.
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