Join Island County Beach Watchers as they explore and survey the rich intertidal zone.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

North Hastie Lake-June 24, 2009

North Hastie Lake team photo 2009

Harlequin ducks

Team crossing pool

Gobiesox meandricus

Purple ribbon worm ingesting polychaete

Stalked jelly

The North Hastie Lake team was not deterred by a little wind and rain on June 24th. Team captain Sue Howard put together a team of eleven and they stuck with it even after the skies opened up. With a -3.5 foot tide, the monitoring crew had a lot of beach to explore and they made some great finds. One exciting highlight was turning over a rock to discover a purple ribbon worm (Paranemertes peregrina) devouring a large polychaete. The team also encountered caprellid amphipods, quite a number of stalked jellies, and a northern clingfish (Gobiesox maeandricus). The little clingfish is well named. Its pelvic fins have adapted to form a suction cup-like disk that helps it adhere to the rocks that it takes refuge under. Several color spattered harlequin ducks were spotted riding the swells just out from the beach as the team worked.
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