Join Island County Beach Watchers as they explore and survey the rich intertidal zone.

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pebble Beach - June 17, 2010

With the completion of monitoring for 2010, Camano Beach Watchers took the time to begin evaluation of data collection. You can find a set of comparisons in CHARTS that are linked at the bottom of the main Intertidal Zone webpage. Take a look at what collected data says about our species gains/losses on our shorelines. Then enjoy the pictures below from this year's monitoring.

Pebble Beach 2010
This beach has the potential to capture a Beach Watcher by having their boots sink into the sands. The beach goes out very far and it becomes a serious task to run the lines out before the tide turns. The sandy beach makes it difficult to find any sea life. This year, if one turns around 180 degrees, one sees a hillside that has had a significant slide. It is pretty amazing to see this difference.


Bluff above

Slide above

Empty Q-rat

Hardy souls

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