Join Island County Beach Watchers as they explore and survey the rich intertidal zone.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Camano Island State Park - July 14, 2010

With the completion of monitoring for 2010, Camano Beach Watchers took the time to begin evaluation of data collection. You can find a set of comparisons in CHARTS that are linked at the bottom of the main Intertidal Zone webpage. Take a look at what collected data says about our species gains/losses on our shorelines. Then enjoy the pictures below from this year's monitoring.

CISP - 2010

Intertidal Monitoring teams set up lines on both the north and south sides of the State Park boat launch areas. Beach Watchers have been observing for several years the significant differences between the two sides. The "south" side is rather devoid of critters while the "north" side is richer in both seaweeds and sea life. One factor that is introduced here is the wave motion difference between the two sides. Other conclusions are yet to be drawn.

Eagle watching L1

Team searching

Temp supervisor


Filament Disposal

Team consensus

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