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Monday, May 17, 2010

Double Bluff/Wahl Farm

Looking for organisms

Double Bluff Wahl Farm team 2010

Checking out quadrat

Bull kelp

Anthopleura artemisia

Iridescent seaweed

Double Bluff /Wahl Farm is one of the richest and most diverse beaches on Whidbey Island's annual monitoring schedule. Team captain Kathy Fritts gathered a team of seven to conduct its yearly examination on May 17th . With the tide falling to -2.7 feet, the team was rewarded with some fascinating organisms including 5 species of anemones, 5 species of barnacles, and 3 species of sea stars. Quite a variety of kelps and other seaweeds were also documented including bull kelp, iridescent seaweed (Mazzaella splendens), Sargassum muticum (wireweed), and Ralfsia (sea fungus).

Cucumaria miniata

Rough piddock

Opalescent nudibranch


When asked about highlights, team members picked the opalescent nudibranchs, red sea cucumbers, brittle stars, and numerous rough piddocks that were bored into the hard clay substrate. Massive tankers and container ships passed by as the team worked and a young bald eagle watched from the top of a tree snag on a nearby bluff. What a fun day!
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