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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Coupeville Town Park Beach - May 23, 2009

Coupeville Town Park Team photo 2009

Gaper clam

Coupeville Town Park team at work


Moon snail egg collar

Ghost shrimp


Memorial Day weekend brought more great low tides and the Coupeville Town Park Beach team took advantage of them to check out their beach on May 23rd. High points for the day included finding two moon snails and moon snail egg collars, a ghost shrimp with a parasitic isopod under the carapace, a gaper clam with a commensal crab, and lots of green sea urchins. In addition, two Columbia black tail deer and a harbor seal put in appearances. Brian Giles waded into Penn Cove to retrieve a mottled sea star so the team could check it out and Dick Newsham wielded a shovel to dig several species of bivalves and worms out of the substrate for identification. Brand new BWs Michele Johnson and Trevor Arnold took turns taking profile readings and recording data.
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