Cavalero quadrat | Handheld recording | Inspecting line area |
Similar to last year, the beach substrate lacked ground shell and clay/silt earthen materials. Marine organism variety and abundance was up from the 2007 levels, where only 16 species were identified. This year, the levels were similar to that found in the years 2004 thru 2006.
New information collected in the profile line this year for tracking of certain invertebrate allowed us to determine that the main species for barnacles was Balanus (segments 4-21), for crabs was Hemigrapsus (segments 6-21) and for snails was Littorina (segments 5 to 14) and Nucella (segments 14-21).
Invertebrates found included amphipods, anemones, arachnid, barnacles, crabs, fish, isopods, limpets, mussels, polychaete, ribbon worms, snails, and bald eagles. In addition to green, red and brown seaweed the true plant dunegrass (Elymus mollis) was also found. To the enjoyment of the monitors an
Sculpin | Eggs under rock |
We ended a successful monitoring event with a group photo and a picnic in the Park.
Cavalero Team |
Written by Cathy M. Thanks Cathy for all your hard work with the handhelds.