Join Island County Beach Watchers as they explore and survey the rich intertidal zone.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Double Bluff/Cirque Point-July 23, 2009

Double Bluff Cirque Point team 2009

Checking under rocks

Cirque Point quadrat work

Lined chiton

Blood star

Evasterias troschelii

Eleven Beach Watchers and two guests looked over Double Bluff Cirque Point on July 23rd with Libby Hayward heading up the team. It appeared that a large area of the tall bluff had slumped near the start point with the resulting glacial till debris in a pile at the base. The profile line proceeded through a rocky area then into a short stretch of sand before mixed size rocks resumed. The real star of the show was a bright red bloodstar that was seen clinging to a cobble along the profile line. The team was also delighted to find orange sea cucumbers peeking out from under boulders at the low tideline. Other highlights were piles of Evasterias sea stars, a long rayed brittle star, barnacle eating nudibranchs with their egg ribbons, and lined chitons.
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