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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Langley Seawall-May 28, 2009

Langley Seawall Team photo 2009


Langley Seawall team at work

Pisaster brevispinous

Lottia parallela


The Langley Seawall team had a -2.6 foot tide to work with on May 28th and Yvonne Palka put together a team of seven to get it done. This beach is composed of a concrete seawall with a short stretch of rocky substrate and then a broad expanse of sand that supports eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds in the lower intertidal. Several tiny red velvet mites (Neomolgus) were seen scurrying about their business on the concrete seawall and peeking into its crevices revealed the hiding places of sea slaters (Ligia pallasii). Along the sandy expanse, the team found ghost shrimp and the tiny sea slug identified as Melanochlymus. As the team delved into the eelgrass they found a giant pink seastar (Pisaster brevispinous), eelgrass limpets (Lottia parallela),and eelgrass sea slugs (Phyllaplysia taylori).
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