Join Island County Beach Watchers as they explore and survey the rich intertidal zone.

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Utsalady Beach - July 29, 2008

Utsalady monitoring grouup 2008

Early on a brisk and very wet July 29 morning, 7:00 am, intertidal monitoring was performed for Utsalady Beach by ten Beach Watchers led by Pam C. The profile line extending to137 feet was surveyed to the -2.2 foot tide level, along with nine quadrats laid out for inspection.

Sea life found in abundance included barnacles, clams, crabs, mussels, snails and red and green seaweed. Varieties of species found were mostly consistent with previous years including both the barnacles, Balanus crenatus and glandula, the crabs, Hemigrapsus oregonensis and nudus, and Pagurus, and the clams Clinocardium and Saxidomus gigantean. Missing from finds found pretty consistently in the last couple of years were the ascidian, Corella willmeriana, sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, and to the disappointment of the monitors no anemones were found this year. Anemones found in the recent past have included the Metidium senile and Anthopleura elegantissima.

The chiton, Mopalia,


was found again this year. The Mopalias are distinctive in having hairs or bristles sprouting from their girdles. Chitons from this genus are also unusual because while most chitons are strictly herbivores, the Mopalias consume animal materials including sponges, bryozoans, and hydroids in addition to algae.
Thanks to Cathy M. for this summary and Mary Jo for her excellent picture of the chiton, Mopalia.
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